• Comedown Machine

    Comedown Machine

    Track list (titles in bold are personal faves):

  • Blog Action Day 2012

    Today is Blog Action Day! Are you taking part? The theme for this year’s Blog Action Day or BAD12 is “The Power of We.” The theme highlights the capabilities of people in what they can do to make a positive change in their community or even country in handling issues such as poverty, climate change,…

  • Shell Gas launches its newest Volvo LPG fleet

    Shell Gas launches its newest Volvo LPG fleet

    I feel bad; it took me a year to post about the event. I still decided to go ahead with the post because there was an actual truck in the event. An actual truck! For a very long time, I have always wanted to ride in one. Last 14 June 2011, Shell Gas (LPG) the…